Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

What Is Bitcoin, How Is It Different Than "Real" Money and How Can I Get Some?

Bitcoin is a virtual currency. It doesn't exist in the kind of physical form that the currency & coin we're used to exist in. It doesn't even exist in a form as physical as Monopoly money. It's electrons - not molecules. But consider how much cash you personally handle. You get a paycheck that you take to the bank - or it's autodeposited without you even seeing the paper that it's not printed [...]

Learn About the Bitcoin Trading

Bitcoins are the newest form of digital currency being used by many traders and investors. Any exchange market can trade bitcoins but it's a risky shot, as you can lose your hard earned money. One should be quite cautious before proceeding. About Bitcoin: A bitcoin is the same as currency, though it is digital in form. You can save it, invest it and spend it. Crypto-currency once circulated the [...]

How to Buy a Bitcoin

There is no doubt in the fact that bitcoin trading is slowly taking the world of trading by storm. There is some hype, which says that bitcoin trading can be dangerous and difficult but honestly, it is a lot easier to get bitcoins, even easier than you think it is. Here are some simple steps to buy bitcoin: · Find A Wallet First of all, you have to find an e-wallet. It is basically a store or [...]

Simple Ways to Buy and Invest in Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a decentralized, peer to peer, digital currency system, designed to give online users the ability to process transactions via digital unit of exchange known as Bitcoins. In other words, it is a virtual currency. The Bitcoin system was created in the year 2009 by an undisclosed programmer(s). Since then, Bitcoin has garnered huge attention as well as controversy as an [...]

Bitcoin and Binary Options Trading

Binary options have been becoming more and more popular in the last 2 years. This type of trading has been desired among new traders as they don't need to actually buy anything, just predict whether the asset will move up or down in specified time frame. Those trades are happening in short time frames (30 sec, 1 min, 5 min) but might be months too. If the trader predicted wrongly, they will obviously [...]

Reasons Why Bitcoin Price Is So Volatile

Price variances in the Bitcoin spot price on the Bitcoin trading exchanges is driven by many reasons. Volatility is assessed in classic markets by the Volatility Index, also called the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX). Volatility in Bitcoin does not yet possess a completely accepted index since cryptocurrency as a real asset class is still in its beginning stages, but we do understand that Bitcoin is [...]

Bitcoin Wallets - All Aspects Explained

BITCOIN STORAGE Bitcoin is a famous digital currency and it is unlike the physical or traditional currencies used across the globe. This is a completely different type of currency because it doesn't exist in any physical form or shape in the world. They are basically stored technically and used in the internet world. If you want to use bitcoin, it is necessary to have a bitcoin wallet. What is [...]

So What Exactly Is a Bitcoin Anyway? Complete Breakdown of Bitcoin

There's virtual money, and then there's Bitcoin. The super geeky Bitcoin is a mathematically-derived currency that promises to change the way people use money. Bitcoins are not real coins-they're strings of code locked with military-grade encryption-and people who use them to buy and sell goods and services are difficult to trace. Along with anonymous drug dealers, Ashton Kutcher and the Winklevoss [...]

Bitcoins - Should You Use Them?

Bitcoin was launched as a private initiative in 2009. Unlike traditional currencies, such as the Euro, Sterling and Dollar, it is not controlled by a central monetary authority. Instead, it is underpinned by a peer-to-peer network of its users' computers. This is similar to how Skype, a video chat service, operates. The basic unit of value is the bitcoin. However each bitcoin can be subdivided [...]

5 Merits of Bitcoins That You Didn't Know

Most people have heard of the term Bitcoin but don't have a clear idea of what it really is. Simply defined, Bitcoin is a decentralized, peer to peer, digital currency system, designed to give online users the ability to process transactions via digital unit of exchange known as Bitcoins. In other words, it is a virtual currency. The Bitcoin system was created in the year 2009 by an undisclosed [...]

Bitcoin Vs Goldcoin

Bitcoin... Monetary Nirvana? If you don't know what Bitcoin is, do a bit of research on the internet, and you will get plenty... but the short story is that Bitcoin was created as a medium of exchange, without a central bank or bank of issue being involved. Furthermore, Bitcoin transactions are supposed to be private, that is anonymous. Most interestingly, Bitcoins have no real world existence; [...]

Bitcoin Buying Guide - Easy 3-Step Guide to Buying Your First Bitcoin

Looking for a Bitcoin Buying Guide? Wondering where to start? People have a lot of misconceptions about bitcoin - the very first widely known and accepted cryptocurrency worldwide. A lot of people think for example that only hackers and shady people use it. However bitcoin is actually going mainstream with everyone from TigerDirect to to Dell and even Subway accepting payments in bitcoin [...]

Beginners' Guide to Own Bitcoin Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency is buzzing all over the world, whether you are on the internet or any media. It is one of the most exciting and craziest things happened that comes into existence in the last few years only. More importantly, you can earn an awesome return by bitcoins trading or you can keep it for a long term. You may be heard about Stocks, Commodities, Forex, and now a new currency called [...]

Bitcoin: All It's Hyped Up to Be?

Had you spent $27 on Bitcoin when it was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 your investment would now be worth over $37,000,000. Widely regarded as the greatest investment vehicle of all time, Bitcoin has seen a meteoric rise during 2017 going from $777 all the way to $17,000. Creating millionaires out of opportunistic investors and leaving financial institutions open-mouthed, Bitcoin has answered [...]

Thinking of Investing? Think the Bitcoin Way

What is Bitcoin? If you're here, you've heard of Bitcoin. It has been one of the biggest frequent news headlines over the last year or so - as a get rich quick scheme, the end of finance, the birth of truly international currency, as the end of the world, or as a technology that has improved the world. But what is Bitcoin? In short, you could say Bitcoin is the first decentralised system of money [...]

How to Use a Free Bitcoin Generator

Bitcoin is the new cryptocurrency designed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2007 and was brought into existence in the business-world in 2009, widely accepted by a large number of investors as it promises the higher return on their investments. Bitcoin is used in many countries as an alternative currency. Many bitcoin companies have been established expanding their customer base in various countries by [...]

What Is Bitcoin and Is It a Good Investment?

Bitcoin (BTC) is a new kind of digital currency-with cryptographic keys-that is decentralized to a network of computers used by users and miners around the world and is not controlled by a single organization or government. It is the first digital cryptocurrency that has gained the public's attention and is accepted by a growing number of merchants. Like other currencies, users can use the digital [...]

The IRS Takes A Position On Bitcoin

Bitcoin used to be something like Schrodinger's currency. Without regulatory observers, it could claim to be money and property at the same time. Now the Internal Revenue Service has opened the box, and the virtual currency's condition is established - at least for federal tax purposes. The IRS recently issued guidance on how it will treat bitcoin, and any other stateless electronic competitor. [...]